Friday, March 6, 2020

The Joy of Speed Learning to Play Guitar Quickly

The Joy of Speed Learning to Play Guitar Quickly How Do You Play the Guitar Quickly? ChaptersControl Your Tension to Play the Guitar FasterPlay Guitar Slowly at First Then Build Up SpeedPractice Guitar With a MetronomeLearn More Techniques for Playing GuitarPractice Regularly: Play Guitar Every day!The more progress you make with your guitar, the more you will learn about new techniques, and the more you will want to progress and play faster.Often, even when you think you have all the techniques down, you may become frustrated that you are not able to play fast enough. (How do you tune your guitar?).While speed is only one of many aspects of playing guitar, it is part of the knowledge acquired by any accomplished and creative musician or guitar player. If you are interested in knowing how to play guitar to the best of your ability, you are going to have to work on building up your speed.It takes time to learn to play the guitar rapidlyA guitarist who feels that their speed is stopping their progress risked losing motivation and giving up on guitar lessons london.  Th is phase of discouragement is normal; all guitarists go through it - and you, as a guitar player, will go through it too.All learning follows a curve, and learning guitar is no different: a period of rapid learning (everything is new, you learn more every day) followed by a plateau where you may feel stagnant and like you are learning nothing new, then the curve rises again when you get over this obstacle.Playing guitar fast is not only to impress your friends, but reaching a certain speed means that you gain flexibility, learn to relax your fingers, and feel a greater freedom in your movements.  It also means that you can nail those lines from jazz guitar and rock guitar - those guitar licks and guitar solos that inspire everyone to play - and play songs with complex guitar lines.Today we're not going to talk about music theory, the details of tablature, vibrato, or chord shapes. We're talking only speed.How do you play the guitar fast? Are there tricks you can learn? Can any guita rist do it? Do you need a guitar teacher?  Start by playing your range or your riff as slowly as possible, without the help of the metronome.You should pay close attention to any tension you feel in your fingers or arms.Play each note carefully and get a feel for the sequence. Set your metronome at a fairly slow pace, about 30 beats per minute, and start playing in time.Once you can play perfectly like this without pain or tension, you can increase the tempo and play faster. It is a time consuming process, but it is extremely effective and long-lasting. Investing all this time in your practice and playing will iron out any mistakes. Your guitar instructor will suggest that you do this too - but whilst you might not find it so much in guitar lessons for beginners, you will definitely have to use these guitar techniques for practicing in a guitar lesson at a later date.This is how you learn to play better and faster. You can also sing while playing the guitar!Learn More Techniques for Playing GuitarIt's no secret that the greatest guitarists who are able to play fast have one thing in common: they master most guitar skills.Whether swapping, tapping, back and forth, picking, pull-off, legato or hammer-on, playing the guitar with his fingers, they know them by heart and how to use them.You too should learn as many techniques as possible in order to play fast - everything from fingerstyle guitar to chord shapes. You should develop a solid foundation in all techniques. This will enrich your playing and will help you to learn different movements and increase your dexterity.You will improve your lightness and fluidity and therefore your speed.Learn how to alternate your playing rhythm with the guitar.Begin with a simple exercise like the legato for 20 minutes daily and once you master this technique, try something more complex like the pull-off.  Working like this will give you new techniques for your solos and improvisations.Alternatively, pick a scale - a major scal e, minor scale, or blue scale. You could even just use chromatic lines. Develop your speed by merely playing these scales over and over and over - and you'll definitely see the benefit.Watch an online guitar videos by Michael Angelo Batio, whose guitar songs are not hugely interesting musically, but they are fantastic for guitar instruction.You will strengthen your body and your fingers, train your brain to new habits and new instrumental practices and your playing will become more natural and less robotic.Practice Regularly: Play Guitar Every day!This is the other secret to playing the guitar: the more regularly you play, the more confidence you will gain confidence and the better, smoother and faster your playing will be. You can learn improvisation on guitar.You will play in a more flexible, effortless way and your playing will sound more natural.Playing the guitar properly takes months or even years depending on the level you want to reach.The most important thing is not how muc h time you spend learning to play fast, but the method you use to learn to do it. If you have the right one, you are on the right path to progress.While you are practicing you can spend 15-20 minutes each day to practice playing at speed.It is always better to practice a little every day consistently rather than a few hours on one day of the week only.Work intelligently, organize and apply the various tricks mentioned, and you will reach your target speed on the guitar before you even realize it.Once you can play the guitar quickly you can try playing with one hand :)

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